Did you know that there are roughly 8,364,843 licensed drivers in the state of Illinois?
Did you also know that the average driver in Illinois will travel around 12,581 miles per year?
With that many people on the road, something is bound to happen and collisions are inevitable. After a car accident, you may be overwhelmed. Regardless, try to keep the following steps in mind so you can protect your interests:
- Stop your vehicle and help anyone who’s injured (including yourself)
- Call the police.
- Copy down the license plate number of the other vehicle involved.
- Write down the driver’s name and contact information.
- Write down the name and policy number of the driver’s insurance company.
- Write down the names and contact information of any witnesses.
- Be prepared to tell the police how the collision took place.
- Write down the responding police officer’s name and badge number.
- Take a photograph of the damage to each vehicle.
- Take a photograph of any skid marks or debris on the roadway.
- Seek immediate medical treatment if you feel pain, discomfort, or anything abnormal.
- Notify your insurance company and keep track of your documentation.
- Do not talk to the other driver’s insurance company!
Whether your vehicle and/or injuries are small or on a larger scale, success often lies in having the right legal team in your corner. Count on the experienced Chicago injury attorneys at Katz, Friedman, Eisenstein, Johnson, Bareck & Bertuca to be the advocate you need for a winning outcome. To set up a free case evaluation, contact us at 312-724-5846 or online.
Did you know that the average temperature in the Midwest during July and August tends to fall between between 85 and 92 degrees? If you or someone you care about is an outdoor worker, for more tips on how to stay safe outside in the summer months visit OSHA.