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​Experienced ILLINOIS Workers’ Compensation Lawyers
& CHICAGO Injury Lawyers

Making Injury Claims Can Be Tough For New Airline Workers

| May 11, 2013 | News Articles

A San Francisco airline worker making their first United Airlines injury claim may find the process quite daunting. There are time sensitive forms to be filled out and phone calls to make, all while in the midst of dealing with the pain and treatment of the injury itself. According to information from an United Airlines handbook addressing occupational injury procedures, failure to meet these requirements can result in a reduction of benefits or even result in a claim being denied. Consulting an attorney for assistance with the process can be helpful in making sure that everything goes as smoothly as it should.

Injury Notification

A work related injury must be reported immediately, even if a San Francisco airline worker is injured on the job in Washington DC. That can be done in person or by telephone, but it is supposed to be done right away. This is important because all United Airlines injury claims are investigated thoroughly before workers’ compensation benefits are approved. In addition to the verbal notification, there will be formal forms to fill out, describing the incident in detail and providing witness contact information. A San Francisco United Airlines flight attendant is required to send this written report in within 24 hours.

Treatment Reports

In addition to the initial injury reporting, it is also necessary to provide information about treatment, immediate and ongoing. As explained by the United Airlines handbook, an injured airline worker must see a doctor within 72 hours. The injured worker will have to ask the doctor to fill out an Employee Status Form, which will have to be turned in within 24 hours on that initial visit. All following visits relating to the treatment of the injury will also require the filling out of an Employee Status Form, and those will need to be turned in within 48 hours of the visit. Benefits may be delayed, decreased, or denied if those steps are not followed.

Compliance Is Required

There are also a number of forms and phone calls that must be made by a San Francisco airline worker injured on the job in order to maintain compliance with the investigation process. In addition to complying with the investigation process, an injured employee is expected to coordinate treatment with United Airlines medical department, and comply with all recommended treatments. Each step of the reporting, investigating, and treatment process and paperwork must be met with compliance and completely in a timely fashion.

Mistakes Can Be Costly

In the aftermath of an injury, especially a severe injury, it can be difficult to make sure that all of the steps and documentation are done on time and correctly. The paperwork and overall claim process can seem a bit overwhelming. Mistakes in making a benefit claim can be costly. That is why many San Francisco airline employees injured on the job choose to consult a lawyer. An experienced professional can help to ensure that the just compensation due after an injury at work is obtained.

