Medical Benefits for Staffing Companies
Chicago Workers’ Compensation Lawyers for Medical Benefits
As a worker who was placed in your position by a staffing agency, you may be confused about who you can turn to after being injured on the job. Whether you were placed in a job in the retail, construction, construction, financial or legal industry, you may need to obtain medical care after getting hurt. The Illinois Workers’ Compensation Act requires your employer and its insurer to pay medical benefits regardless of who or what was at fault for your work-related injuries. You may not be aware that your employer for purposes of this law is the staffing agency, rather than the company with which it placed you. Call the experienced Chicago staffing worker lawyers of Katz, Friedman, Eisenstein, Johnson, Bareck & Bertuca to represent you in your workers’ compensation claim if you need medical benefits. We seek the best available outcome and examine the circumstances of your accident to decide whether other relief would also be worth pursuing.
Medical Benefits for Staffing Workers
As a temporary worker in or around Chicago, you may wonder what rights you have after getting injured or being made sick on the job. You are entitled to medical benefits that cover your reasonable and necessary medical care. Medical benefits may include first aid, emergency care, prescription drugs, hospitalization, nonsurgical therapies such as chiropractic treatment and physical therapy, surgery, medical equipment, prosthetic devices. For example, if you are placed as a temporary administrative assistant at an insurance company and develop carpal tunnel syndrome such that you need corticosteroid injections and physical therapy, you may be able to have these treatments paid for as part of your medical benefits.
The staffing agency and its insurer may perform what’s known as a utilization review. This is a review of your past, present, and future medical treatments in connection with your work injury to determine whether the level of care and the quality of their health care services is appropriate. When reviewing whether your medical care was reasonably necessary, the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission (IWCC) may consider a utilization review finding. If, for example, you had a surgery for tendonitis that the IWCC found was not reasonably necessary, the staffing company and its insurer would not be responsible for paying for it. Similarly, if the IWCC finds that you underwent nonsurgical therapies that were excessive given the nature of your disc herniation, the staffing company may not need to pay for those expenses.
It is important to seek first aid or emergency care as soon as you become aware of your work-related injuries. You should notify the staffing agency of these injuries and it should notify its insurer of your injuries, and you should call our lawyers if you think your claim may be denied. You should let any medical providers you see know that your injuries are work-related so that they know to bill the workers’ compensation insurer directly. In the course of being treated for work-related injuries, you must cooperate with doctors and their medical advice.
You’ll need to give the staffing agency enough information to determine whether to accept or deny your workers’ compensation claim. If it questions whether certain medical or other benefits should be required, the staffing agency or its insurer may ask you to attend an independent medical exam (IME). In spite of its name, this exam is not truly independent in most cases. Companies and insurers tend to retain doctors to perform IMEs when they have a history of siding with employers or recommending only conservative medical treatments.
Hire a Chicago Law Firm for Staffing Agency Employees
Our attorneys handle workers’ compensation claims for medical benefits arising out of your injuries as an employee of a staffing agency in Champaign, Rockford, Quincy, and Aurora, as well as Sangamon, Winnebago, Kane, Cook, and Adams Counties. We also handle third party lawsuits and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) claims. Call us at 312-724-5846 or complete our online form.